Monday, February 27, 2012

An Unforgettable Park West Gallery Experience

Anatole Krasnyansky, Park West Gallery, customer reviews
"Trumpet Conversation" by Anatole Krasnyansky
Park West Gallery Collection
Dear Park West Gallery,

"Words can't describe the January Park West Gallery event in Marina del Rey.

Morris Shapiro handled the auctions and provided great information and insights and the entire Park West Gallery staff did their usual fine job in coordinating the event and making sure everyone was taken care of.

To meet with and hear the fascinating stories of Peter Max, Csaba Markus, Dominic Pangborn and Anatole Krasnyansky and to view the works of these great artists made it an unforgettable experience that we will always remember."

Irvine, California

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I are long time Park West Auction
    buyers and beginning to realize how profitable
    it can be for the future. A Pablo Picasso etching we bought for about four to five hundred
    dollars sold at auction in 2005 for $4,477!!
    We are not as active in buying in our old age, and the walls have run out of room for any more works yet we got some more on our last trip in early March of this year. The staff are always so very enthusiastic about what they do and one cannot help but be caught up in the excitement they convey. (Guess we will have to build a bigger house to keep up with all of our treasures, past and present.) It is a great way to learn about art in all it's phases and you have the best of teachers in Part West reps.


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