Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Customer Thanks Park West Gallery for Memorable Cruise and Rembrandt House Tour

Dear Marc:

Thank you so much for your letter thanking me and Tom for joining you on Celebrity Constellation VIP Baltic cruise. My goodness! I should be thanking you, Morry, Se’belle and your entire staff for inviting us and for showing us such a wonderful, memorable time in the Baltic.

You mentioned being a fan of Peter Nixon’s work, as am I. I had the privilege of meeting him on a Park West Gallery Mexican Riviera VIP cruise in 2009, and had the winning bid on his “Mosaic Horse II” original painting on this Baltic cruise.

The Artist's Mother with her Hand on her Chest
Rembrandt Van Rijn
Park West Gallery Collection
My favorite master has to be Rembrandt. I am the proud owner of a lifetime etching as well as a piece from the Millennium series, both purchased at Park West Gallery events. This was my first visit to Rembrandt’s home, and when I saw an etching that is hanging on my wall – from Park West Gallery - hanging on the wall of (Rembrandt’s) home, I was so overcome that I literally showed it to everyone I could find including, but not limited to, Jason, Laura, Se’belle, and my friend Tom.

I would be remiss if I failed to say how much I enjoy the overall experience of being surrounded by the artwork and artists – and learning – a continuing educational experience – about the works as well as the artists. At times I feel as if I’m back in school learning from Jason’s and others’ expertise.

Again, thank you for all of your consideration and I look forward to seeing you at future events.

Hudson, FL

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